Library will issue Library cards to all Students after taking membership from Library.
Every student will get Digital Library cards (PVC) for lending and reading room.
The card holder is entitled to borrow 01 (one) book for lending for 10 (ten) days excluding holiday / recess / vacation, after that it may be renewed.
A fine of Rs. 30/- (Thirty rupees) will be charged if this card is lost.
Issue & return will be made only during the prescribed time (See the Library Notice Board)
Any students held responsible for loss, damage, defacement, or mutilation of books shall be liable to compensate the library in such a way as may be determined by the Librarian / Library Committee.
All library members can enjoy free internet service for academic purpose from the library.
All Library members can access free online Journal /E-books, Bibliographical database etc. from the library.
Library cards or other identify records are to be shown, if demanded, at the time of entering the library or whenever asked for in the library.
Conversations, gossiping, sleeping etc. are not allowed in the library and use of Mobile Phone is allowed with silence mode within the library premises.
At the time of borrowing a book either for use in the Library Reading room or for use at home, every borrower is expected to examine it carefully.
Students shall bound to return all books before Form fill-up of every University examination, and collect the "Library Clearance Certificate".